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Model of the project

Code of the model
import pandas as pd
import os
import logging
from ..logger import CustomFormatter
from lifelines import WeibullAFTFitter, LogNormalAFTFitter, LogLogisticAFTFitter
from lifelines.fitters import ParametricRegressionFitter
from autograd import numpy as np

# Initialize and configure the logger
logger = logging.getLogger(os.path.basename(__file__))
ch = logging.StreamHandler()

class ExponentialAFTFitter(ParametricRegressionFitter):
    This is a class for implementing an Exponential AFT Fitter Model.
    # this class property is necessary, and should always be a non-empty list of strings.
    _fitted_parameter_names = ['lambda_']

    def _cumulative_hazard(self, params, t, Xs):
        # params is a dictionary that maps unknown parameters to a numpy vector.
        # Xs is a dictionary that maps unknown parameters to a numpy 2d array
        beta = params['lambda_']
        X = Xs['lambda_']
        lambda_ = np.exp(, beta))
        return t / lambda_

class AFTModelSelector:
    A class for selecting the best AFT (Accelerated Failure Time) model among Weibull, Exponential,
    Log-Normal, and Log-Logistic models based on AIC, and generating churn rate and customer lifetime value (CLV) 
    predictions for a specified number of time periods.

    - data (pd.DataFrame): The input DataFrame containing survival data.
    - primary_col(str): The column name in the DataFrame representing the primary key.
    - duration_col (str): The column name in the DataFrame representing the duration or time-to-event.
    - event_col (str): The column name in the DataFrame representing the event indicator.

    - data (pd.DataFrame): The input DataFrame containing survival data.
    - primary(str): The column name in the DataFrame representing the primary key.
    - duration_col (str): The column name in the DataFrame representing the duration or time-to-event.
    - event_col (str): The column name in the DataFrame representing the event indicator.
    - aft_model (lifelines.Fitter): The selected AFT model based on AIC.
    - predictions_df (pd.DataFrame): DataFrame containing churn and CLV predictions for a specified number of time periods.

    def __init__(self, data: pd.DataFrame , primary_col:str,  duration_col : str, event_col: str): = data
        self.primary = primary_col
        self.duration_col = duration_col
        self.event_col = event_col
        self.aft_model = None
        self.predictions_df = None

    def select_best_model(self):
        Selects the best AFT model among Weibull, Exponential, Log-Normal, and Log-Logistic models based on AIC.
        Stores the selected model in the 'aft_model' attribute.
        models = {
            'Weibull': WeibullAFTFitter(),
            'Exponential': ExponentialAFTFitter(),
            'LogNormal': LogNormalAFTFitter(),
            'LogLogistic': LogLogisticAFTFitter(),

        best_aic = float('inf')
        best_model = None

        # Handle zero values in the duration column[self.duration_col] =[self.duration_col].replace(0, 0.0001)

        for model_name, model in models.items():
  , duration_col= self.duration_col, event_col= self.event_col)

            aic = model.AIC_
  "{model_name} AIC: {aic}")

            if aic < best_aic:
                best_aic = aic
                best_model = model_name

        logger.warning(f"\nBest Model: {best_model} with AIC: {best_aic}")
        self.aft_model = models[best_model]

    def fit_and_predict(self, n_time_periods: int):
        Fits the selected AFT model and generates churn predictions for a specified number of time periods.
        Stores the predictions in the 'predictions_df' attribute.

        - n_time_periods (int): The number of time periods for which predictions should be generated.

        - str: A message indicating the model ran successfully. 
        if self.aft_model is None:
            logger.warning("Please run select_best_model() first.")

        # Handle zero values in the duration column[self.duration_col] =[self.duration_col].replace(0, 0.0001)

        predictions_df_list = []

        for time_period in range(1, n_time_periods + 1):
            customer_data = pd.DataFrame({
                'pred_period': time_period

            # Generate survival predictions 
            predictions = self.aft_model.predict_survival_function(, times=[time_period])

            #obtaining churn predictions
            churn = round(1 - predictions, 5)
            # Convert predictions to a DataFrame
            predictions_df = pd.DataFrame(churn.T.values, columns=['churn_rate'])

            # Concatenate customer_id and time_period with predictions DataFrame
            result_df = pd.concat([customer_data, predictions_df], axis=1)

            # Append to the list

        # Concatenate all predictions into a single DataFrame
        self.predictions_df = pd.concat(predictions_df_list, ignore_index=True)"The AFT model was run successfully.")

    def calculate_clv(self, MM=1300, r=0.1):
        Calculates Customer Lifetime Value (CLV) for each customer in 'predictions_df' attribute 
        and updates the dataframe to include CLV predictions.

        - MM (float): A constant representing the monetary value.
        - r (float): The periodic interest rate for discounting.

        - str: A message indicating the 'predictions_df' attribute was updated successfully. 

        predictions_dfs = []  # List to store individual CLV prediction DataFrames
        if self.predictions_df is None:
            logger.warning("Please run fit_and_predict() first.")

        #Making the data long format
        data_clv = self.predictions_df.pivot(index='customer_id', columns='pred_period', values='churn_rate')
        #Calculating the Survival Rates from Churn Rates 
        data_clv = 1 - data_clv

        # Iterating over an increasing number of columns
        for i in range(1, len(data_clv.columns) + 1):
            # Selecting the first i columns
            subset_data = data_clv.iloc[:, :i]

            # Calculating CLV 
            data_clv1 = subset_data.copy()
            sequence = list(range(1, len(data_clv1.columns) + 1))

            for num in sequence:
                data_clv1.iloc[:, num - 1] /= (1 + r/12) ** (num - 1)

            data_clv1['CLV'] = MM * data_clv1.sum(axis=1)


        clv_prediction = pd.concat(predictions_dfs, axis=1)
        clv_prediction.columns = range(1, len(predictions_dfs) + 1)

        #returning to original data format and saving the predictions
        clv_prediction = clv_prediction.reset_index()
        clv_prediction = pd.melt(clv_prediction, id_vars=['customer_id'], var_name='pred_period', value_name='CLV')

        #Combining the results and updating the predictions dataframe
        self.predictions_df = pd.merge(self.predictions_df, clv_prediction, on=['customer_id','pred_period'], how='left')"The CLV predictions were added successfully.")